Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ho am I a musician?

All started on 2010 summer when i was playing with cups and drumming on them and i was dreaming to be a drummer in a band(Of course a metal or punk group). When i started on September i was with a teacher who was learning us on 2010 called mr-s Darina Zhelezova and other teacher who was watching us after 12:30 called mr-s Hristakeva. My teacher who still learning me how to play not only a drum is mr Yaworow,but 3 years later he left and i started with new teacher mr Haralampiev. It was really hard and i wasn't having a lot of friends i was having at least 4-5 friends.
I am still learing there for 8 years and i have 4 more and i will finish the High School. For me i was afraiding to get F- or even E...I was trying to do anything to be accepted and my grandma (Vili Georgieva) helped me. I was accepted in the same school! On 5th grade I said goodbye to my teachers mr-s Hristakeva and mr-s Zhelezova and started with new teachers.I was haveing new 6 subjects like Musical Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History and Geography. I am hating the subject Musical Literature,with it has no book and only writing(i am writing ugly and it cannot be readed good). If you don't know Solfej, this is a subject where you learn about the rithms,notes and etc. On 7th grade was my really hard time when i start to get on Math F and E...I was getting worried and i started to learn more. For Gramatic and Literature i was having D- C and sometimes B. But there was a matrices and i started to go on Gramatic and Luterature lessons. After I ended and got the results i was not shocked cause i can be accepted somewhere i wish(i was chossing and one High School for Computers). I got 31 points on Gramatic and Literature and on Math 28 points. So i was Deiciding 3 Schools:
1.My old musical school
2.school for computers
3.One language school

So the Third school they didn't accept me. The second one i was accepted,but we told them that we don't wanna change school.The first one was one what did i chossed and now i am 8th grade.
When I finish i will be happy and to learn how to drive car(i mean when i finish 12th grade).
This is when i won 3rd place on one musical competition for ,,German and Austrian music" and got one award for 1 year=100 lv (our money amout) for every month.

Soon on 12th December(maybe) i am going to join to turn on the Christmas lights on center of the city Burgas
Of course i forgot to say i was joining 3 times on the competition ,,Varban Varbanov".

What shall happend next?
Going to stop on 10th grade?
Going to Musical Academy?
We shall see.

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